Wi-Fi technologies

How to Connect Your Computer to Your Router with a Wired Connection

Wi-Fi connections are good. They’re flexible. You can take your device to multiple locations within the range, while still staying connected. But do you know what’s better? Ethernet connections. They provide secured and sealed pathways for internet connection. Not only does it significantly reduce any data breaches, it significantly enhances the speed of your connection as well.

The only downside however is that the vacancy to use the internet is quite limited. Fortunately for you, we have a solution. You can have a router at home that provides a Wi-Fi connection. Simply take an ethernet cable and connect your main desktop to it. It will allow a high-speed secure connection while you’re working with sensitive information. At the same time, you can enjoy Wi-Fi as well.

In this guide, we’ll have a look at how to use an Ethernet cable to achieve this feat.

What Would You be Needing?

First of all, let’s have a look at the equipment you’ll need to connect your computer to your router with an ethernet cable.

Ethernet Cable:

Obviously, an Ethernet cable is a crucial component for establishing a wired connection between your computer and router. These cables come in various categories, such as Cat5e, Cat6, and Cat6a, each offering different speeds and capabilities. The choice of cable depends on your network requirements. Cat6 is a common choice for most home networks due to its balance of speed and cost.


Your computer, whether it’s a desktop, laptop, or any other device with network capabilities, is essential for the wired connection. Ensure that your computer has an Ethernet port. Most modern computers come equipped with an Ethernet port, but if not, you might need to use an Ethernet adapter or card.


The router serves as the central hub for your home network. It manages the flow of data between your computer and the internet. Routers typically have multiple Ethernet ports, allowing you to connect several devices using wired connections. Ensure your router is powered on and configured correctly.

Optional: Powerline Adapters (if applicable):

Powerline adapters provide an alternative method for creating a wired connection without the need for long Ethernet cables. They use your home’s electrical wiring to transmit data signals. If you face challenges running an Ethernet cable directly from the router to your computer, Powerline adapters can be a practical solution. Ethernet cables for a Wi-Fi router running through the entire home can get quite a messy look also. The powerline adaptor will help to make things tidy.

Step-by-step guide for connecting the Ethernet cable:

Step#1: Check Ethernet Ports:

Ensure both your computer and router have available Ethernet ports. These ports are typically labeled and may be found on the back or side of your devices. If these are not available, you can use an Ethernet adaptor or card.

Step#2: Power Off Devices:

Before connecting the Ethernet cable, power off both your computer and router. This prevents any potential electrical issues during the connection process.

Step#3: Select the Right Cable:

If you haven’t already, choose the appropriate Ethernet cable based on your network requirements. Use a Cat6 cable for optimal performance, especially for high-speed internet connections.

Step#4: Connect to Computer:

Insert one end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port on your computer. It should click into place, ensuring a secure connection. If your computer doesn’t have a built-in Ethernet port, use an Ethernet adapter or card.

Step#5: Connect to Router:

Take the other end of the Ethernet cable and connect it to an available Ethernet port on your router. Most routers have multiple ports, often labeled numerically or by color.

Step#6: Power On Devices:

Power on your router first, allowing it to fully initialize. Once the router is active, turn on your computer. This sequence ensures that your computer recognizes the wired connection.

Step#7: Check Connection Status:

On your computer, check the network settings to verify the wired connection. Look for the Ethernet connection in the network settings or system tray.  It should indicate that you are connected to the network. It’s noteworthy that the connection doesn’t require a password.

Important Considerations:

Sometimes, there can be some issues with the internet connection via the cables, like low-speed internet, limited connectivity, and even no connection, etc. The following considerations will ensure that you don’t face any of them.

Physical Inspection:

Regularly inspect the Ethernet cable for any signs of wear or damage. Replace the cable if you notice fraying, cuts, or other physical issues to maintain a reliable connection.

Avoid Cable Stress:

Avoid bending or placing heavy objects on the Ethernet cable, as this can damage the internal wires and affect the signal quality. Route the cable in a way that minimizes stress on the connectors.

Secure Connections:

Ensure that both ends of the Ethernet cable are securely plugged into the computer and router ports. A loose connection can lead to connectivity issues.


Be mindful of the physical distance between your computer and router. While Ethernet cables can cover longer distances than Wi-Fi, excessively long cables may experience signal degradation. Consider using a shorter cable or alternative solutions like Powerline adapters for extended distances.

Update Network Drivers:

Keep your computer’s network drivers up to date. Outdated drivers can lead to connection issues. Visit the manufacturer’s website to download the latest drivers for your network adapter.


How to Use an Ethernet cable to connect my computer to a router?

To establish a wired connection, simply follow these steps: select the right Ethernet cable based on your network requirements, insert one end into your computer’s Ethernet port, and connect the other end to an available port on your router. Power on your router first, then your computer, ensuring a secure and high-speed connection.

What is the difference between WAN vs LAN ports on a router, and which one should I use for my Ethernet connection?

The WAN (Wide Area Network) port on a router connects to the external internet, while the LAN (Local Area Network) ports are for internal connections. When using an Ethernet cable for a Wi-Fi router, connect it to one of the LAN ports for a secure, high-speed connection within your home network.

Can I use any type of Ethernet cable for connecting my computer to the router, or is there a specific one recommended for Wi-Fi routers?

While various Ethernet cables like Cat5e, Cat6, and Cat6a are available, choosing the right one depends on your network requirements. For most home networks, including those using a Wi-Fi router, a Cat6 cable is a common and recommended choice due to its balanced speed and cost.

Bottom Line

In a nutshell, Ethernet cables provide a more secure and faster connection. It’s recommended to use an Ethernet connection for your main desktop. This guide has provided step-by-step instructions on How to Use an Ethernet cable to connect my computer.

Remember to choose the right cable, inspect connections, and consider alternatives like Powerline adapters for added convenience. Enjoy the benefits of a stable, high-speed connection!

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