Wi-Fi technologies


Did it ever occur to you that is it your WiFi that slows things down or the internet? Or are they both the same thing? You certainly are not alone to think that! Many people mix up the internet and Wifi thinking they are the same thing.

If you are still scratching your head over it, not to worry, we are here to clear the air. In this blog we will guide you regarding the difference between internet and wifi. No more blaming Wifi when it’s the internet’s fault (or vice versa).

Let’s Set The Stage

What is The Internet?

The Internet is like a giant spider web stretched across the globe. It’s a network of networks that connects computers, smartphones, tablets and other devices in order to communicate with each other. Thanks to the internet you can send emails, stream videos, shop inline and (let’s be honest) scroll through social media for hours. 

The internet uses the Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) to link the devices we mentioned earlier. In 2023, around 5.4 billion people were recorded to use the internet. 

WiFi: Your Wireless Connection

As for the Wifi, imagine the internet as a delicious pizza (bear with me here), and Wifi is the delivery guy who brings pizza to your doorstep. Wifi allows devices to connect to the internet without needing to be physically tethered by a cable, hence the term wireless. 

Wifi basically is short for Wireless Fidelity, that uses radio waves to transmit data between your device and router. With this technology, let’s face it, our lives have become a whole lot easier. Long gone are the days when you were tied to the desk to perform any online task. Sit and chill in any corner of your house and enjoy the perks of Wifi to the fullest. You can even use Wifi in your favorite coffee shop, i.e. if they have the facility there. 

In short, Wifi is like an invisible magic carpet that takes you on a digital journey across the web. All you need is a router (the Aladdin of this story) to get yourself started. 

The Key Differences

Now you know the nitty-gritties, it’s time to discuss the big difference between internet and wifi. Here’s where it gets interesting.

The Internet is Global; Wifi is Local

The internet is vast, connecting billions of devices worldwide. It’s like the entire world is one giant web linking everyone from New York to New Delhi. 

Whereas, Wifi connects you to the internet locally. It’s what lets your devices connect to the internet in the first place within a certain range. 

The Internet Requires a Provider; WiFi Requires a Router

To access the internet you need an Internet Service Provider (ISP) like Wavenet.co. They’re basically the gatekeepers who grant you access to the worldwide web. 

For Wifi, you just need a router. The router takes the internet provided by the ISP and beams it wirelessly to your devices. 

Internet Speed vs. WiFi Speed

Who here has been in a situation where your Wifi ends up being slow even though you got a fast internet plan? We’re guessing almost everyone. This is because the Wifi speed is often limited by factors like distance from your device to the router, physical obstacles like the wall and interference from other devices. 

Since the internet speed is what you get from your ISP depending on the plan you purchase, even with it being blazing fast, a weak Wifi signal can cause lagging. 

Internet is Essential; WiFi is Conventional

Without the internet, Wifi is pretty useless. You need the internet to access online content, communicate and perform many other tasks. 

Wifi is just for your convenience. Even without Wifi you can still use the internet but you will be tangled within the cables. 

Troubleshooting: Is It The Internet or WiFi?

When the connection falters, who is it that we must blame? The internet or Wifi? Let’s take a look at this checklist: 

Check Other Devices

If your laptop’s working fine but your phone is messed up, it’s more likely the Wifi. But if all the devices are down, then it’s the internet. 

Restart Your Router

A quick reboot often solves wifi problems. All you have to do is unplug your router, wait for the 10 second total shut down, then plug it back in again.

Test Your Internet Speed

Online speed tests are the best way to check if you are getting the speed you are actually paying for. There are multiple reliable and free sources that can help you with it. In case the speed is slow, you need to alert your ISP. 

Mover Closer to the Router

If the Wifi signals are weak, get closer to the router for the extra boost. 

WiFi Security

Here is a hot tip. Wifi may be convenient, but it does come with security risks if not secured right. Make sure your network is password protected at all times, it is always best to keep changing your passwords randomly on a regular basis to keep the hackers away. 

All public WIfi networks are prone to security threats and attacks, hence avoid accessing sensitive information like banking apps while connected to any public Wifi. 

If you are serious about your security, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) can help encrypt your internet traffic especially when using public Wifi.

Does the Difference Really Matter?

Believe it or not, it is actually useful to know the difference between internet and wifi. The next time either one starts acting up, you would know instantly where the troubleshoot lies. Besides, you can impress your peeps with your techy knowledge!

No matter what you do online, knowing how the internet and wifi works gives you the upper hand. It’s like being the conductor of your own digital orchestra, when everything is in tune, it’s pure harmony.


In a nutshell, the internet and wifi work together like peanut butter and jelly, they may be great on their own, but even better when together. 

So, the next time someone is going through internet or wifi issues, you can confidently act as a friendly next door handyman/ woman. Stay connected, stay informed, but remember, Wifi may be the delivery guy, but the internet is the pizza you’ve been craving all this time!

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Guy Stevens