Rural Internet


Who here has faced the dreaded internet outage? You are watching the best scene of your favorite season or you are sending out a very important work email, but then what? The internet goes out! Damn it!. Why does it always happen when you need the internet the most? It’s so agonizing!

Living in the countryside can be rewarding, but let’s be real, it also comes with a fair share of challenges especially with internet connectivity. Rural internet outage is way too common and can be quite frustrating. 

Instead of banging your head with the wall, let’s talk about the common causes and learn about troubleshooting rural internet problems. This way you get to spend less time staying annoying and more time enjoying your online activities. 

Why Do Rural Internet Outages Happen?

There could be various reasons and not necessarily all those reasons fit to every rural area. However, we have listed down five most recurring outages below.

1. Infrastructure Woes

First off, is the infrastructure in the rural areas, it has always lagged behind compared to the urban counterparts. The fancy high-speed fiber optic cables that give lightning fast internet in the cities might not be available in your neck of the woods. Due to this, relying on older technologies like DSL or satellite is your only option, which unfortunately is quite prone to disruptions. 

2. Bad Weather Blues

Rural areas are known for their extreme weather, these conditions usually wreak havoc on internet connections. Heavy rains, thunder storms, strong and fast wind and even lightning can easily damage physical infrastructure that supports your internet. If you use satellite internet, bad weather can disrupt the signals and cause rural internet outages. 

3. Power Problems

Power outages in rural areas have always caused problems for ruralites. And when the power shuts down, so does your internet. Even with a backup generator, it is not always necessary that it would kick in right away, or you could even run out of fuel. Hence, you have to stay without the internet for quite a while until the power is back on. Nobody knows when that is gonna be, right? 

4. Physical Obstacles

Life in the countryside feels like a dream at times, with all the trees and hills or even mountains. However, these serene picture perfect landscapes are what causes hindrance to internet connections. This mostly occurs with either a fixed wireless connection or a satellite connection. These obstacles weaken the internet signals thus causing connectivity issues. 

5. Network Overload

In rural communities. The internet service providers (ISPs) may not have enough bandwidth to handle so many users, especially during peak hours. This leads to network congestion, and you guess it alright, rural internet outages. Sigh!

Troubleshooting Rural Internet Hitches

So, what to do when the internet does not respond? We have mentioned eight practical tips for troubleshooting rural internet problems. 

1. Check your Device

First things first, did you check your modem and router? If not then get to it! Make sure your modem and router are all plugged in and turned on. Just a simple restart can work wonders sometimes. Unplug your devices, leave it to rest for 30-60 seconds and then plus it back in. The temporary glitches get all cleared up and bring you back online. 

2. Inspect Connections and Cables

If that doesn’t work, you need to take a look at the cables and connections. Keep a lookout for any signs of damage or loose connections. If so, replacing worn out cables can do the trick. Ensure that everything is all plugged in and nothing is frayed or broken. 

3. Weatherproofing your Setup

If you think that weather is to blame for bad internet, then you have to try weatherproofing your devices. For satellite dishes, make sure it is securely mounted and is clear of any snow, water, icicles or debris. If you use a wireless setup, the antennas should be positioned right and protected from all the elements mentioned before. 

4. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Incase of a power outage, a generator is a good option however, a UPS as a backup is always the best option. A UPS can provide backup power to your router and modem. This keeps your internet running even when the power goes out short-term. A UPS allows you enough time to save any important files or send your important email and then shut your system down properly. 

5. Optimize Signal Strength

This works only if you own a wireless internet, optimizing the signal strength can make a huge difference. All you need to do is to position your router centrally in your home, away from any thick walls or large metal objects like the microwave that can cause disruption to the signals. Wi-fi extenders as well are a great option to boost your signal strength in weak areas. 

6. Contact your ISP

If you have gone through all the basic troubleshooting steps yet the problem reoccurs, it is time to call your internet service provider (ISP). We at Wavenet can run diagnostics on our end and identify the cause of your concern that you may have missed out. Sometimes troubleshooting rural internet problems calls for the job of a professional. 

7. Upgrade your Equipment

A major cause of rural internet outages can be outdated equipment. Upgrading to a new modem or router can improve your internet quality and signals. Also, if you have the option, do consider upgrading your internet plan that offers a better bandwidth. 

8. Cellular Data as Backup

Desperate times call for desperate measures. In a pinch, using your cellular data as a backup can be a real lifesaver. Your smartphone can be turned into a mobile hotspot, giving you internet access when the primary source fails. 


Just because you live in a rural area, doesn’t mean you have to put up with unreliable internet. Understanding the common causes of internet outages and troubleshooting rural internet problems can keep your connections stable. It doesn’t have to be a daunting task, with the right approach and a little patience, your internet will be up and running in no time. 

If you are still facing problems, it’s always best to ask the professional. Happy Surfing!

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