Rural Internet

15 Ways Broadband Improves Our Rural Community

The Federal Government has distributed around $42.5billion for the rural areas to gain access to the broadband internet services, says a report by Daily Yonder, January 30, 2024. Welcome to 2024 where the internet in our rural community is no longer just a tumbleweed blowing in the wind.  

One may ponder, “is it worth having a trailblazer broadband service in such areas?” The answer to this you will find out soon enough, stay tuned. 

According to, rural broadband services connected over 14 million Americans progressively long before the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) even started. A survey by Cox showed that the internet is a blessing for these folks in terms of education, ecommerce, employment and local economic prosperity. It gets better, the ISPs have subsidized thousands of devices like laptops, computers and tablets to the low income household, thus making it easier to access the broadband connection in rural areas. 

We have summed up 15 possible advantages of broadband services in such areas. 

Educational Empowerment

Long gone are the days where researching needed days and hours spent in libraries to find the relevant sources. From virtual libraries to online courses, students can easily access a pool of knowledge. This also helps the students level up with their urban counterparts, Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

eLearning and Virtual Classes

There is one thing that the epidemic has taught us, schools are not restricted to physical classrooms only. Virtual classes are just as efficient. Attend your classes, participate in class discussions and submit your assignments, all this can be done at the comfort of your home. 

Digital Doctor

Don’t you just hate waiting for the doctor every time you have an appointment, it’s just so agonizing! How do you like the sound of a Digital Doctor? Yup, that’s right! Internet access for rural areas also means that you do not have to visit the doctor. Just video call and you are good to go. Not just that, but having a digital doctor also makes it easier for patients to access healthcare online where physical healthcare facilities are scarce. 

Farming 2.0

Farmers benefit from broadband services, too. They are able to access real-time market data, agricultural resources and weather forecasts. Selling livestock and crops online, mapping their crop yields, adjusting their next planting session using agricultural tools and modern precision and a whole lot more. 

No More Unemployment

Unemployment has always been a problem in rural areas. Ruralites struggle to find job opportunities and end up living miserable lives. Say no more, broadband internet services have made it effortless for these people to search for jobs online and connect with employers all over the country without ever having to leave their homes and deliver interviews door to door. 

Civic Engagement

Ruralites can not only stay informed but can also actively participate in civic affairs. This empowers rural communities to voice their opinions and aid in amending local policies by gaining access to government portals, news sources and virtual town hall meetings. 

Small Business with Big Dreams

Move over Silicon Valley, rural America is the new hotspot for startups! Starting up a local business has become as easy as 1,2 and 3. Broadband connection in rural areas has allowed these folks to connect with buyers all across the globe. It doesn’t matter if they sell homemade cupcakes or local handicrafts, the digital market is their oyster ready to be conquered with just a few clicks. 

Granny Goes Online

Staying connected with your loved ones has never been easier. Sending out telegrams or postcards is so old school. Grandma and Grandpa can easily video chat with their grandchildren and stay close to them virtually. No more feeling lonely on the local holidays or missing out on any special occasions and celebrations. 

Emergency SOS

Why are rural areas more affected when a natural disaster strikes? Easy, no broadband service means no instant access to critical information, coordination of relief efforts or communication with emergency services. As per a research by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), they underscored the critical role of internet access in actively enhancing emergency communication and the response capabilities in rural areas. 

Vacation Vibes

Why need a travel agent when you can just go broadband! Planning a getaway is no longer a hassle. Ruralites can purchase tickets and virtually visit and book their hotels online. Apart from that, rural communities benefit when urbanites plan a staycation in their areas. According to a survey by a travel industry analyst, internet access for rural areas has boosted visitor engagement and spending in rural destinations. 

Remote Working is a thing!

Work from home has gained so much popularity since the last epidemic. Almost all of the companies all over the world offer remote working facilities. For example, a ruralite living in the Jackson county area can work with a company based in China without even having to leave his/her bed.If he/she is efficient enough, he/she can even manage multiple remote jobs at the same time. How cool is that!

High Speed Internet Equals Better Businesses

The times that we live in now, high speed internet is no longer a luxury, rather it is a necessity for businesses in rural areas to thrive. Broadband connectivity empowers rural entrepreneurs and allows e-commerce expansion, thus helping the local economy to grow and foster innovation in rural communities. 

Netflix and Chill

Enough hard talk, ruralites need entertainment to chillax. Internet services in rural areas allow the ruralites to enjoy the same entertainment facilities just as the urbanites do. Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, Disney+, and much more. They can now enjoy their piping hot pepperoni pizza while they Netflix and chill!

Location Sharing 

Haven’t we all stopped a pedestrian once in a while to ask for directions? Imagine still doing that even with the internet. Yikes! Locating a certain place or sharing the location via GPS makes it easier for ruralites to commute as they go. 

Better Lifestyle

It is for a fact that broadband services have leveled up the lifestyle of ruralites in so many ways. The Internet is not a luxury anymore but a game changer for sure. 

So there you have it, folks! From farm fields to Facebook and Instagram feeds, broadband is the new MVP of rural America. Let’s raise a virtual toast to the power of broadband and the rural rebirth. 

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